Framework for a better future: lecture by Muhammad Yunus

Prof. Yunus, Nobel Laurete and founder of Grameen Bank gave an inspiring lecture titled “A Framework for a better future: the promise of social business” on May 29th at the British Council. He continues to strongly promote the creation of social businesses as these can address and solve the problems of poverty, health care and environment. Prof. Yunus gave examples of social businesses he has been creating in Bangladesh. In addition to the well know Grameen- Danone (joint venture manufacturing affordable yoghurt full of micronutrients for children in Bangladesh) he mentioned Grameen-Veolia (Veolia is a French water company) creating small water treatment plants and BASF-Grameen which will be providing treated mosquito nets at very little cost. He also mentioned the eye hospitals and a healthcare program to create a nursing college as a social business. In the area of environment Grameen Shakti has been providing affordable solar home systems in Bangladesh for the poor.
Prof. Yunus call for social business is very timely as the current financial crisis is forcing us to think how can we improve or rebuild the financial system so that it is an inclusive system that would include the majority of the people. You can see the transcript and videos (youtube) of the lecture.

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