On July 18th, Nelson Mandela launched the Global Elders, a group of leaders that will contribute their wisdom, independent leadership and integrity to tackle some of the world toughest problems. The founding members of this group are Desmond Tutu, Graça Machel, Koffi Annan, Jimmy Carter, Li Zhaoxing, Mary Robinson, Muhammad Yunus, Ela Bhatt and Gro Harlem Brundtland. The Elders was an idea conceived by Richard Branson and Peter Gabriel. In a recent article of Businessweek, Richard Branson explains “Peter Gabriel and I started a journey with Nelson Mandela several years back when we felt the world was rapidly becoming a global village, yet we had no advisers who were driven by what ‘s best for humanity rather than what’s best for the military, the economy, or a political group.We hope this group will become the elders of our global village and play a role in alleviating human suffering.” Mandela in his speech said “The Elders can speak freely and boldly, working both publicly and behind the scenes on whatever actions need to be taken. Together we will work to support courage where there is fear, foster agreement where there is conflict and inspire hope where there is despair.”
It is an impressive group of doers and also backed by powerful entrepreneurs. We are living in an unprecedented point in time when huge problems can be tackled and solved as there is the willingness, the funds, the ideas and the people that can do it. If you want to share your thoughts on the role of the Global Elders click here.
The Elders- a Group of World Leaders for Humanity
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