The 2006 meeting of the CGI (Clinton Global Initiative), one of the most powerful initiatives that create and implement commitments to solve the world’s most pressing problems, took place last week in New York. The amount of commitments raised during the meeting (Sept 20-22)amounted to $7.3bn. CGI brings together heads of states, CEOs of private companies and heads of foundations to learn, discuss and provide solutions and commitments to the most challenging problems in the world today. The 4 areas covered are energy and climate change, global health, poverty alleviation and mitigating religious and ethnic conflict. Their website offers the webcasts and transcripts of all the sessions which is highly recommended. What differentiates CGI from other big muttinational initiatives in the past is that they are tackling the world challenges by fully respecting and including the voice, knowledge of the local communities that are facing the challenges. There were 215 commitments so it is impossible to include them here. Just to mention a few in the area of microfinance FINCA, Grameen, BRAC, Citigroup, Opportunity International, Standard Chartered Bank, ACCION-AIG.
CGI raises $7.3bn to make the world a better place
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